YOUnique4Europe - Mapping and presenting your unique personal and social competences for better employability in a digital world
ERASMUS+ : 2019-1-DE02-KA202-006119

Feedback Worksheet

To the person, who gives feedback,

With this worksheet I would appreciate your feedback about myself and my soft skills. There is a similar worksheet available for me which I can use for my self-reflection process. Your honest and detailed answers will help me to get to know myself better by comparing your statements with mine.

Thank you!

Introduction: I have skills and strengths!

Questions on how you see me in general:

Getting closer: Top ten soft skills

These are the Top 10 soft skills you think I possess:

Almost there: This is how soft skills showed up in my life!

Have a closer look at my personal and/or professional life. Please select at least 3 out of the 9 soft skills and describe examples of my soft skills:

Finally: My personal goals

Questions about my professional goals:

You can use this worksheet to get feedback from different people around you, for example from your family or relatives, from the circle of friends or by adults from your school, club, community, etc. They should know you quite well, too.

Explain to them that you are interested in getting a realistic external picture of yourself and your soft skills. All they need to do is to answer the questions about you.

Each person fills in one feedback form, either

  • online on this site or
  • by printing the feedback form below.




Filling out instructions




!! Please fill in the blank boxes as detailed and honest (but kind) as you can.













!! Please select 10 sub-skills out of the whole table of skills, that apply to me the most.







!! You can choose from the nine soft skills: Self-awareness, Adaptability, Initiative, Curiosity, Creativity, Sense making, Holistic thinking, Communication, Collaboration.
Please explain how they became visible in a certain situation or activity in my life.






!! Please describe, what comes into your mind if you think about my professional goals and how to achieve those.




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