YOUnique4Europe - Mapping and presenting your unique personal and social competences for better employability in a digital world
ERASMUS+ : 2019-1-DE02-KA202-006119

This soft skill describes your ability to actively commit to an object, a task or a goal without influences from others.

In order for you to be active without external requests or pressure, independent thinking and self-motivation are important.

Acting proactive also requires a certain degree of self-confidence and courage to initiate own creative goals and actions – because self-initiated action may include uncertainties like danger or risk. It is necessary to be willing to take risks as well as responsibility for initiated goals and action.  

Synonyms: Personal initiative

Sub-Skills: Courage, independent thinking, risk taking, self-belief, self-motivation and optimism, taking responsibility, problem solving

To demonstrate initiative,
Niels suggests you:

  1. Think ahead and get actively involved
  2. Give constructive feedback and suggest solutions
  3. Plan activities independently
  4. If possible work without any supervision and deliver as per the expectations
  5. Seek new opportunities that challenge your capability to a new level

Examples - Initiative

Mike likes to play football and has been in a sports club for seven years. During the Christmas season, the trainer always organizes a Christmas party. This year, however, the trainer broke his leg and asks the team for help with the organization. Mike immediately signs up to help and even brings a few new ideas to the planning.

In my part-time job as a copying assistant I often had problems with one of the copiers. It often did not work and had to be repaired. I always attempted to fix a paper jam or a broken photocopier before asking a more experienced colleague to help. Nine times out of ten, I fixed the problem myself and didn't have to stop my colleagues from their work to help me.

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